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Upon arriving at Trolley Square, I found myself wandering aimlessly around until I stumbled into a store located at the end of the mall. By the looks of it I thought it was possibly a chain shop, but upon entering it became clear that this was a one of a kind shop.

I am still kicking myself for not getting the “CAMO CAT” shirt. Honestly you may ask  a “camo cat” shirt? I repeat a “CAMO CAT” shirt. In this shop a top-hat, ties, prom dresses, beautiful shoes, a large selection of mens underwear and charming staff, I couldn’t leave the shop without a pair of Frieda Kahlo socks. Best purchase of the day.

The displays as the teens nowadays call it “on point” which Urban Dictionary defines as; to be perfect; to satisfy; whatever it was, it met the person’s standards “Damn, that chicken was on point!”

Male or Female, this fashion connoisseur  I give SPARK my stamp of approval.

