Do you know what goes with Mother’s Day? Your guessed it: CATS.
And we don’t want our mothers to have any old cats. We want them to have the coolest cats on the web. And because cat pictures are very hard to come by, we collected some to give to those, who gave us life.
So, without further adieu, here are some pretty neat cat pictures.
1. Cat on a stamp.
2. Cat Nap.
3. I feel like I’m selling out, selling my soul, and selling my dignity by posting these. But. Cats.
4. Things don’t always turn out as planned.
5. Okay. This cat is cooler than that kid in junior high. You know which one.
6. This cat is illegal in all 50 states.
7. This is the first hipster cat to ever live.
8. Catttttttattack!