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Sarah is one of the most incredible people you will ever meet. She owns the company Anne B Designs, and has designed each item by hand, and each item is made in america with the upmost care and originality.

Q: Was there a specific moment in time when you knew you would dedicate time to design? Perhaps a childhood experience?

A: My passion for design was motivated by 2 experiences from when I was in middle school I believe. I was at Gap and I saw a skirt in the sale section that was super cute, but I thought “this is a really simple style… I could make this. Why would I pay for this when I could make this?” I still bought the skirt but the the main intention that I could use it to pattern my own, and I was successful in my replica. Another instance is just the general fact that most bags and shirts I saw at stores were too slammed up with sparkle, bows and PINK. bleh. Just because it’s a girl;s product doesn’t mean it needs those embellishments. It just looks tacky.

Not to mention that this amazing young lady travels the world serving and teaching people how to sew and many many other wonderful things. If you get the chance to take one of her bag tutorial classes I highly recommend it. You walk away with an adorable bag, and new friends and skills.

Visit this amazing shop, with great products.
