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The True Pursuit: David Habben

What is a joyous moment that you’ve experienced recently? I'm lucky to have had a lot of truly joyous moments recently, but the real highlight recently is the birth of our son. We have two amazing childr...

The Artist Within

Today's topic is something that I'm very passionate about. It begins with a belief I have about all humans being beautiful artists. I'm passionate about this topic because I believe it stands upon a beautifully...

The Monsters of Miranda Meeks

When you look at Miranda's work, you might think that she is somewhat of a tortured soul with the childhood depicted in Tim Burton's short film Vincent. But reality is quite the opposite. Miranda is one...

Pictures and Perspective: Daniele Vickers

Daniele is currently representing both Salt Lake and Brooklyn, the two hubs of SALTartists, as a resident of Utah who is on an art sabbatical in Brooklyn for the summer. She is a photographer with a truly artis...

Dadu Shin

I met Dadu last year in Brooklyn at a portfolio review. I think I can truthfully say that Dadu is one of the most enjoyable people to be around. He makes everyone feel comfortable and good about themselve...

Rag Poppin’ with Justin Randolph Thompson

Justin is a fine artist who straddles the borders of New York and Italy. He analyzes culture, historical topics and a myriad of other relevant and intriguing issues through installation, performance, sculpture,...

Sugar and Spice

I was recently in the market to get my hair dyed mermaid blue and that was when I met Ruth. I quickly realized that Ruth is not just a hair stylist, she is truly a hair artist. I've since learned that the world...

The Astronomical Andrew Rice

What is a joyous moment that you’ve experienced recently? I was an artist in residence for a month in Boise, ID at Surel’s Place. It was a month spent doing nothing but working on a body of work. Easily ...

Rachel Merrill’s Wild and Wonderful Artwork

I met Rachel Merrill at a Drawing and Pizza Party down in Brooklyn last year. We hit it off talking about our favorite podcasts that we listen to while drawing. (She's a fan of Serial). Rachel captures the obsc...