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These Handmade Rugs Will Blow Your Mind

"Any action without a goal is art."  -Faig Ahmed At first glance, you will assume that these rugs are photoshopped. But these astonishing handmade rugs are actually woven by the emerging artist, Faig Ahmed...

The Photographs That Inspired Pinup Paintings

The contrast between fantasy and reality has been alive well before the birth of Photoshop. Artist and photographer, Gil Elvgren's photographs that served up as references to the iconic pinup pieces were releas...

Feel Happy Right Now by Watching THIS Dance

Want to feel happy today? Watch Keone & Mari dance to "Happy" by C2C. I'm have to admit it: I have a crush on these two amazing hip hop virtuosos.  They are two of the most incredibly creative choreograp...

Street Art in Austria

Jana & JS are a street art duo currently based in Austria who specialize in detailed stencil work, frequently depicting people with cameras or couples sharing intimate moments. Shown here are a few pieces f...

Harmless Weapons Made of Plants

In her Harm Less series artist Sonia Rentsch defuses the powers of modern weaponry by constructing guns, grenades and bullets completely from organic objects. The shape and form of each piece are really convinc...

A Softer World

 A Softer World is a comic that was created by Emily Horne and Joey Comeau so that people would recognize them as important artistic geniuses. Sometimes the "comic" is sad or harsh. It should be noted that this...

Heartbreaking Tribute to Death

Wonderland is an an ongoing series of portraits by UK photographer, Kirsty Mitchell. After her mother’s death, Mitchell began to fill the vacancy of devasting loss by re-creating the fairy tales her mother t...