The titular sequence of Ari Folman’s animated documentary, Waltz with Bashir, is the sort of scene that is unlike what one might initially expect. Eve...
On a recent sun-filled afternoon, I visited the musician Sharon Van Etten at her West Village apartment, a hushed refuge from the raucous city outside...
The beautiful music of Libbie Linton and Spencer Harrison- the pair that makes up Mideau, will leave you hopeful for the future of girl/boy duos since...
Under the moniker Zola Jesus, Nika Roza Danilova creates sophisticated industrial pop music. With a degree in Philosophy and professional training in ...
Dolly Parton's hit song "Jolene" (from her 1973 album sharing the same name) sounds unexpectedly good when slowed down to 33 RPM. Parton has said the ...
Rock n' Roll is the most important f**king thing in the world. It's saved my life more times than I can count. It can be rough and raw; it can be poli...
Continuing to build on their new found success, London Grammar recently teamed up with director Giorgio Testi to shoot the music video for one of my ...
Mac DeMarco has built a serious name for himself as a maker of zoned-out, off-kilter indie rock jams and as a wiseacre with a raucous live show. DeMar...