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Black on Black

Model // Lou Lou at Ice Styling // Gabrielle Kannemeyer Mua // Amber Caplan ...

I Want the World

I want the world to shimmer and gleam. I want it to be lovely and kind. I want the world to be full of love, and everyone hugs, and offers smiles like they’re on sale at the dollar store. I want the world to...

Brad Pitt’s Portraits of Angelina Jolie

Take a look into the private lives of Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie in these monochrome photographs by Brad Pitt himself. Using rare tech pan film, Brad captured his family's intimate moments for W Magazine. ...


This is a true story, as we have come to believe, from the blog: It Just Gets Stranger.       Last night I was in bed at a decent hour, proud of myself for having the self-discipline ...

Harmless Weapons Made of Plants

In her Harm Less series artist Sonia Rentsch defuses the powers of modern weaponry by constructing guns, grenades and bullets completely from organic objects. The shape and form of each piece are really convinc...

Easter Egg Hunts are Basically Just Cleaning.

From the vaults of: IT JUST GETS STRANGER! On Saturday night I was out relatively late. Don't tell Bob and Cathie. And NEVER YOU MIND what I was doing! None of your business! My personal scandals shall stay ...