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A Vibrant Life on 9th & 9th

In the middle of Salt Lake City, at the intersection of 900 south & 900 east, known as 9th & 9th, there are transformed people that are transforming the neighborhood through the cultivation of vibrant a...

Utah is the Best Kept Secret

Interesting Facts about Utah: As of 2014, Utah's population is 2,766,233 people. Since 2000, it has had a population growth of 23.90 percent. The median home cost in Utah is $217,200. Home appreciation the ...

It’s All There in Black & White

Jane Anne Groom, SALT's favorite photographer has released her latest experimental black and white series. See more of Jane's work here: Plain Jane Photography...

Twilight Concert Series: Blown Away

BRAVO! We have to hand it to The SLC Art Council and the organizers of The Twilight Concert Series. From what began as a humble and quaint gathering at the Gallivan Center, and then fast forwarding to 2014,...

How to Play the Piano: Lessons From Daddy Longlegs

Brahms was a badass. The composer, I mean. Yeah, him. You saw him on a poster when you were in fourth grade: white beard, brown moustache, tiny eyes. You may not have known the badness of his ass because your m...