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SALTstyle: Editors Choice

Parchment & Pallet a Vintage Sanctuary

Some may say that vintage is dying away with time- but quite the contrary is with Jacqueline & Logan Whitmore- Owners of Parchment & pallet. If you are wanting to be inspired, read this interview- then ...

LoveStreet Salvage

The past few times I have been to some vintage markets, I often find myself drawn to the Love Street Salvage booth. Not only are the clothes in near mint condition- but many are vibrant yet classy. Read her sto...

Rewind Exchange

BE KIND REWIND is the motto of Provo's newest store named Rewind Exchange! This great shop is just nearing the 2 month mark of operation. A sister store to Unhinged, Corey Folster is the evil genius behind i...

The Blue Plate Diner

  You'd be hard pressed to find a year in American television and film that doesn't have at least one scene set in a diner. I'd even go so far as to call it the quintessentially American restaurant. Jan...