What is a joyous moment that you’ve experienced recently?
I’m lucky to have had a lot of truly joyous moments recently, but the real highlight recently is the birth of our son. We have two amazing children and they are our true joy.

Why did you pursue illustration?
I always loved art and I was raised in a home where books were a big focus. Creating narrative work became a real focus, especially when I was under the impression that an artist had to illustrate to make money. The true pursuit, though, is to create well-crafted work that is true to my self.
Did you have to give anything up to pursue this?
I could say that I’ve had to give up the security that comes from more traditional day-jobs, but in reality, I would’ve never been happy as accountant or lawyer. You have to have something before you can give it up and more often than not what I’ve really sacrificed is a “sure thing” in favor a new opportunity.
Besides this, what is another hidden talent, passion, or hobby of yours?
I love to be active and outdoors. I’m an avid runner and cyclist. The running especially becomes a meditative practice for me and helps me shake the stresses of life off for a bit.

Morning Routine:
Read, Pray, Exercise, Work. On the weekends, I replace the work with family time as much as possible.
Last Great Book I Read:
I just finished “A Higher Call”, about two pilots during WWII. I don’t usually read much war history, but this book was amazing. Now I’m reading “The Sistine Secrets”, which is absolutely fascinating.
Favorite Drink:
Ginger Beer
My Dream Collaboration:
I’d love to collaborate with a symphony orchestra and create large artwork live during a musical performance.
Favorite Song of All Time:
Too many to choose from! Currently in my playlist is Black Rebel Motorcycle Club, The National, U2 and Lecrae.
If you could tell everyone in the world something, what would it be?
Try harder. Be your best self and it will encourage others to do the same.
You can find more of David’s work here: