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Gates open at 5 pm. The show doesn’t even begin until around 8, yet the people are already flocking. Pre-teens as well as white haired senior couples sit and chat amongst each other, creating a low buzz. Parents are feeding their children while getting ready the soundproof headphones. Ears are drawn to the booms of tUnE-yArDs.

From the very beginning I was impressed. I had listened to a song or 2 in my life, but this was absolutely incredible! Vibrant colors surrounded the band as their unique voices projected out over the crowd.  In line with her standard M.O., Merrill Garbus (lead singer) created a “drum loop” that carried through each song.



It was difficult to determine when one song ended and another began- but all of a sudden there was a completely different tune going. Each song flowed into the other but amazingly enough they had a very different sound.

By 8:30 the music was in full force… and so were the people. It was incredible- yet for someone who suffers from social anxiety it was quite frightening at times. In the center of the park where all 4 cement walkways meet, held hundreds of people packed like sardines as I found myself trapped in the middle of it. I felt a little angsty, but it wasn’t just me. Strangers began talking to me and next thing you know I have some new friends, and we are chatting about life. It is not an everyday occurrence for that to happen just randomly. The twilight series is my favorite time of the year truly because it is a time to see friends, make friends, make memories and the most important… people watch.




Ben (the lead singer from Death Cab) gave it his all last night. As he danced around the stage and shared a piece of his soul with us through his gritty yet soothing voice, the crowd stood in awe. The atmosphere as usual was amazing, the Twilight Series brings a community together as one- while enjoying wonderful music. This kickoff show was amazing and truly made me feel like summer has finally begun. Nothing feels better than to sit back and listen whilst in the company of friends.

“The last 10 years of memories flooded back into my head last night. Music that brought back love stories, heartbreaks, recovery, and road trips. Nothing visually extravagant, but an amazing sensory overload with just a few guys doing what they do best.”




The buzzing in your ears, and the dried sweat on your clothing is a lovely takeaway from a concert, and for most people is used as a fond reminder of a great concert. If I leave a concert without those 2 things.. It wasn’t a good concert.

Possibly the key reason for my strong love of the Twilight Series; Aside from the music is the people. It is not common for 15,000-20,000 people to gather in one square block of land whilst all sharing the same love for the same band. It makes one feel at ease, and in a strange way safe. Safe from judgement and discrimination of all kinds.

If you didn’t have a chance to make it yesterday never fear! Next Thursday at the same time is having Father John Misty & Black Rebel Motorcycle Club. I cannot stress enough how amazing an atmosphere and evening these concerts are. Every person should go at least once in their lifetime.



