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Starting the party off this week was local favorite, Grits Green. Amped and full of energy, they breathed life into the warm, late summer evening. Grits Green fully got the small-starting crowd stoked on what they were bringing to the table. Their funky hip hop was incredibly reminiscent of acts such as the Beastie Boys and other groups from the 80s. We went backwards in time last night, especially as the concert series progressed last night.

By the time Digable Planets came on to wow the crowd last night, everyone was fully in the zone. They played some of their hits and because of that it was obvious how many true-blue fans were in the audience. Digable Planets are clearly seasoned performers that make concert-going so much fun. The amount of genuine interaction while performing was countless. I don’t think anyone who saw them perform last night could have had anything but love for them while they were onstage. They truly emitted a vibrancy up there that most of the time, we only catch glimpses of. Fans and newcomers alike were truly #blessed to be apart of their time in Salt Lake City last night.

Adding to the already electrified stage was our final performer for the night, Pusha T. His set started off purposely slow as to build the anticipation for his arrival. When Pusha T took the stage, the crowd exploded; rowdy with excitement. Fans young and old swarmed around, moving with every beat Pusha T gave. He was just another example of a performer who truly gives it their all. He explored his music with the fans and sincerely gave his performance everything. It’s obvious that Pusha T enjoys what he does and thrives off of sharing it with others. He wrapped up the night spectacularly and keeping that Twilight momentum going. 
