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Food For The Soul

School is starting. There is a wind in the air that announces that this summer concert series is coming to an end. After De La Soul, there is only one more show: The Head and the Heart. This promises to be a great finale to a fantastic Twilight Concert Series.


De La Soul had a few unknown artists (Better Taste Bureau and Rapsody) open for them. A surprising amount underground support showed up for these newer artists. The venue was at less than half capacity, unusual for Pioneer Park at one of these events. Plenty of space to lay out a blanket and chill out to some pretty great music. Even thought the bands were relatively unknowns… and the massive overwhelming crowds weren’t there,  the people who came were there were true fans of the artists. It was buzzing with support, people singing along, and a general good time.

This casual vibe of the night soon led into the boom and beats of De La Soul.

They started off the show in the dark by blacking out every light. None of the fans could see the band creeping their way to their positions. The music blared into the darkness, and the crowd went quiet.

The lights flashed on and the sounds of drums, and DJ’s continued through the air. Complete instrumental at first, the crowd was eager to hear the lovely R&B voices flowing through the air. Finally 2 men dressed in sweat suits come on stage, and the crowd roars the the R&B music starts off as a rap song.

The De La Soul band finishes off their first song, and splits the crowd into 2 sections and yell-

“Which side is more excited to be here tonight?”

They continue chanting- Making the crowd get louder and louder until the band members all yell in unison;

“De La who?            DE LA SOUL!”

They were able to get the crowd jumping and screaming in uniform as if everyone had practiced this before. The band impressed the audience by not only the music, but their enthusiasm of being here in Salt Lake City. The crowd this evening was quite smaller than the previous concerts, but by the time De La Soul came out- The crowd rang with its usual screams and crowd surfers.

The lead singers led the crowd in continuous hand swaying, and young and old put their hands up to feel the beat and music.

Overall- A great concert for young and old.
