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I am excited for the things that we will do together. I can’t think of any other set of words to describe what I am feeling right now in its truest, most real, and most human form, except for “I am excited for the things that we will do together”.

I know that you know how much of a dreamer I am. I would love to build dreams with you. From the first car I should buy or how our wedding should look like, it would be a privilege for me to have you sharing my dreams with, and turning it into our own realities one dream at a time.

I am in love with you more than I am in love with figures of speech. Loving you is a not a science, but a romance; a rhythm of heartbeats, a rhythm of art bits. You are metaphor that comprises more than my stock words. You are a complete contradiction of “love” and “hurt,” I am painfully in love and beautifully hurt. You are a smile of the rainbow, a dance of a flowerbed, and I know that I cannot describe you in just plain letters, my hunger for words would not be satiated.

I am excited for the things that we will do together. I am excited even if these things are the things I fear the most. My knees wobble like jellyfish whenever I am in a high place. I am afraid of falling. But since I took the biggest risk of falling in love with you, I would be excited to take the risk of skydiving and parachuting with you. Maybe we will get lost in a place both of us are not familiar with, or eat food we’ve never tried before. I would not fear those things when I am with you, for perfect love drives out fear.

We will go flying kites together. I grew up with kites and I would be filled with blissful joy if you would fly one with me. Our mission would be conquering the world by marking each destination with the kites that we have flown, until the map in our room is covered with little post-it kites. But mind you, I’d love to do this with only you, since you are the best thing that’s happened to me since travel and kites

I foresee us going to different churches in different parts of the world. We’ll hear masses in different languages. We’ll practice walking down the aisle. I’ll tell you that it is corny and stupid even if I know how badly I want this too, because I am trying to put up a front. Like a wall made of macho and manliness, which I would willingly surrender to tearing down by a one woman demolition team called ‘you’. We’ll practice our “I do’s” at the altar. I would promise our Father that I’ll take care of you.

We will cook together. Imagining the moments when we would put flour in each other’s faces, licking sweet batters off our fingertips, from cookies, cakes, double-yolk sunny side ups. I don’t care whatever it is. Just the sight of you being with me in a room full of the things I love the most makes my heart disintegrate to very tiny fractals only to be mended by the love that you radiate through your messy bun and your equally messy face.

I love your chicken soup. We will nourish our soul with all palatable things that we can stuff our mouths with because we know that the best experience in life is composed of only two ingredients: love and food. We both believe that people who love to eat are the best kind of people, and we will both strive to be the best person for one another.

We will play, in the most innocent meaning of the word. We will play cards, or chess, even if you don’t know how to, we’ll do it anyway. We will play in the streets, with children, or with friends. We will unleash the child that is in us and just be merry.

And we will live life together. We will together learn from the mistakes of our yesterdays. We will together enjoy the presence of today. And we will together be faithful to the hope that tomorrow brings. We will live life together one day at a time.

And if you do imagine yourself doing these things with me too, I would like to ask you just one favor. Please, try to be as excited as I am for the things that we will do together.


Photo: Mariana Montes de Oca
