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Joe Webb is a man of magic! He lives and works in the United Kingdom, has thousands of people who follow him on his FaceBook page, and has fans who share his images on the web. A true inspiration to my own art, this man brings a fresh and progressive perspective to collage art. With bold statements and clever pairings this man makes surreal worlds come to life with the simplicity of truth. I’ll never forget the day I found this man’s art and I will always be his biggest fan!

“I started making these simple hand-made collages as a sort of luddite reaction to working as a graphic artist on computers for many years. I like the limitations of collage…using found imagery and a pair of scissors, there are no Photoshop options to resize, adjust colours or undo. My collages work to a basic rule of sourcing just two or three images… with these I can reinvent the original scene to communicate a new idea.” –Joe Webb


“I suppose I’ve become fairly anti-technology… although I now promote my art on websites, own an iPhone and use Facebook…It’s confusing, I wish I had been born 100 years ago.” –Joe Webb


Storm In A Tea Cup


Antares and Love


Voodoo Child


Thirst II


Stirring Up A Storm


At The Gallery


Antares and Love II


About The Author

Art Editor

I am your right brained spatial thinker. I know I'm just a speck of dust floating through space right now, but my speck of dust smells of lavender and tastes like 'White Pepper Icecream'. It's air is soft and warm and honey drips from lips with a purpose to entice. Psychedelic colors flow past my skies and there are many moons in many phases that pass through the night. I am a vibration, I am a color, and it's called Amber Sky.

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