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John Paul White, from the Civil Wars, Comes Out of Hiding


Performing Please Help Me I’m Fallin’ with the Secret Sisters ( for Alabama’s Induction Hall of Fame), a rare sighting of John Paul White emerges on the internet.

John Paul White is half of the duo The Civil Wars- Four-time GRAMMY Award-winning duo consisting of  White & Joy Williams.

The Civil Wars disappointed millions of fans when they split in 2013.


Joy Williams has made several appearances and has performed many times amidst much speculation of why the split occurred. Both White and Williams have remained tight-lipped about what happened between them, leaving a feeling of un-rest and unsettled business between the two. Rumors have swirled and many have conjectured what may have caused the split, but neither party is talking.

John Paul White has since stayed out of the spotlight in order to spend time with his family. For over a year, it has been extremely rare to see White out in public.




