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The signature trademark of a Jonathan Adler Design is that it is always full of mid-century adornments and surprisingly kitschy- modernism, as showcased here at The Parker Palm Springs. Jonthan Adler is now a brand. But that wasn’t always the case. Jonathan grew up in a small farm town in New Jersey, and eventually started a pottery production operation. “I was an oddity.” Jonathan says of his younger years. And now, 17 years after pitching an order for Barney’s, he owns a design empire.

“When I was first starting out, I had been fired from every job I ever had. The good thing about being unemployable is that it gives you a sink-or-swim mentality. When I began making pots, I figured someday I’d be lucky enough to hawk my wares in a rain-soaked craft fair, but I also realized that I didn’t make a go of it, I was really screwed.

He calls himself a “schizophrenic designer.” But to the rest of the design world, he is creatively prolific. He has business savvy, developing an organic following of adoring fans of design and style.

“My design process is not necessarily kicky and optimistic, and when it comes to my work, I am deadly serious. I live, eat, and breathe what I make; I can lose sleep over the silhouette of a pot not being exactly right.”

Whatever his process is, the end result is oddly captivating.     full size drugs The Parker in Palm Springs by Jonathan Adler

The Parker in Palm Springs by Jonathan Adler

The Parker in Palm Springs by Jonathan Adler

The Parker in Palm Springs by Jonathan Adler The Parker in Palm Springs by Jonathan Adler The Parker in Palm Springs by Jonathan Adler
