Why did you start illustrating?
I’m an illustrator because when I took a cartooning class in middle school it was the first place I felt like I belonged! I’ve always loved comics and aesthetics. People in or adjacent to the illustration scene have been very kind to me and offer confirmation that my presence is worthy, so I stay.
Did you have to give anything up to pursue this?
If I gave up anything I don’t know it yet (like the possible repercussions of being self-employed in a fluctuating market, in a “practically unnecessary” field etc). Sometimes I think I should have been a doctor, but at this point I would have already collapsed from the weight of Too Much Knowledge.
Besides this, what is another hidden talent, passion, or hobby of yours?
I used to spend loads of time collecting music and actively seeking out new music to always have the BEST playlists, but it’s time consuming and I’ve really lost track of that. I still have such strong feelings about music. I read a lot about medicine and social justice. Next year I plan on taking banjo lessons.
Animal I Would Want to Be Most:
A soft ripe peach
Morning Routine:
If it’s early I wake up screaming. I shower, put on my clothes, brush my hair, and put in my contacts while kicking my roommate’s cat out of the way. Then I brush teeth and put on makeup, and usually have to take some kind of vitamins or supplements, with a glass of water. If I’m leaving the house, I download some podcasts to listen to on the train.
Dream Tattoo:
Hmm…a fox fighting a snake! I’ve also been meaning to get a rendition of Malevich’s “Black Square.” I was recently able to get some work from one of my favorite tattoo artists, Slowerblack, and I feel really privileged to have it.

Last Great Book I Read:
I’ve been trying to catch up on the genre classics, and finally read William Gibson’s “Neuromancer.” I really liked it and he has a great twitter.
Favorite TV Shows:
Game of Thrones (I know :c), Orange is the New Black, basic stuff! I don’t watch a lot of TV. I really liked True Detective 1 but people’s reactions to True D 2 have made me wary.
Favorite Drink:
Black tea, Orangina, vodka soda (those are three separate drinks)
My Dream Collaboration:
I want to work with a fashion designer soooo badly. Anyone decent whose style is harmonious with mine.
Favorite Comedians:
I love comedy… It varies a lot but The McElroy brothers from the My Brother, My Brother and Me are really making me smile these days
Favorite Song of All Time:
When I was 12 I said that Mike Oldfield’s “Moonlight Shadow” was my favorite song, so I have to live with that decision. I still kind of stand by it.
What is a joyous moment that you’ve experienced recently?
Going on a long bike ride through a little beachfront town. I haven’t been feeling well lately so it felt really good to make myself do something physical.
What is the most traumatic thing you’ve gone through?
Ummm my whole childhood/adolescence with some nebulous anxiety disorder and OCD, having no idea how to cope or function beyond being high achieving. A lot of people have these pure and nostalgic memories associated with growing up, I don’t.
If you could tell everyone in the world something, what would it be?
Fight the desire to defend yourself at the expense of causing or contributing to the suffering of another person.
You can find more of Jensine’s work here: