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Lana Del Rey is releasing her sophomore album, Ultraviolence, later this year. She announced this release at the Hollywood premiere of Tropico.

“I really just wanted us all to be together so I could try and visually close out my chapter before I release the new record, Ultraviolence.”

Produced by Black Keys’, Dan Auerbach, this disco dramatic Lana-style has promise.



Listen: New Track from Lana Del Rey
7Overall Score
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Art Editor

I am your right brained spatial thinker. I know I'm just a speck of dust floating through space right now, but my speck of dust smells of lavender and tastes like 'White Pepper Icecream'. It's air is soft and warm and honey drips from lips with a purpose to entice. Psychedelic colors flow past my skies and there are many moons in many phases that pass through the night. I am a vibration, I am a color, and it's called Amber Sky.

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