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Location: The Maryland Building | 839 e. South Temple | Salt Lake City, Utah


Building History: Designed and built by architect Bernard Mecklenburg in 1912, this building was designed in the Neoclassical style.

As wealthy miners were moving to Salt Lake City, new apartment spaces were needed while they built their larger homes. These luxury condos were meant to be temporary spaces until their wives and children could join them. During it’s early years, it was often regarded as sort of a “gentleman’s club”. True to the Neo-classical style of the building, guests are welcomed with over-sized corridors, beautiful wood work, intricate tile and marble. Each unit features grand dining rooms, parlors for entertaining, and separate kitchens that can be closed off [no doubt, to hide the wealthy guests from the servants, who had access to the kitchen via a back door].


All photos owned by Jane Groom and Plain Jane Photography
