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I met Rachel Merrill at a Drawing and Pizza Party down in Brooklyn last year. We hit it off talking about our favorite podcasts that we listen to while drawing. (She’s a fan of Serial). Rachel captures the obscurity and oddity of the cultures in Queens and Brooklyn with her wild and wonderful artworks.
Why did you start this venture? Out of opportunity, necessity, dream job…?
I’ve been drawing since I was 12, and working constantly creates its own opportunities through perseverance and luck.

sharon townes color

Did you have to give anything up to pursue this? 
Financial security? Though that shouldn’t be mutually exclusive, it is something I am still attempting to figure out. I would love a nice reasonable day job I could excel at.
 two teens
Besides this, what is another hidden talent, passion, or hobby of yours?
Fashion/style for sure. As an industry its something I am very wary of and yet I keep getting drawn in. I feel lucky to meet some other nerds who can talk about it without mentioning crap like weight loss or insane consumerism.
I really just like to get dusty old dresses and making giant knitted monstrosities.
Rachel Merrill sitting
Morning Routine:
Podcasts, coffee, and procrastination. Step and repeat.
Dream Tattoo:
Heart on my ass.
 winter in june
Last Great Book I Read:
Dear Nobody, The True Diary of Mary Rose. Devastating but incredible, it was about a girl in rural PA battling addiction and cystic fibrosis.
She has these amazing lines like “Sexism pisses me off. Whenever a guy burps I just want to stick a tampon in his fucking mouth.”
 Rachel Merrill
My Dream Collaboration:
UGH too many. I’d kill to work with several of my favorite long form writers like Alice Gregory, Durga Chew-Bose, and Molly Young.
 Rachell Merrill
Favorite Comedians:
George Carlin, for showcasing renounced Catholic rage and neuroticism.
Favorite Song of All Time:
Favorite song of the year is King Kuta by Kendrick Lamar without question.
Longest running favorite song is After Hours by the Velvet Underground. Singing along since 2006.
You can find more of Rachel’s work at