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For many of us  feeling those “helplessness blues” (. . . see what I did there) about our favorite Americana 5 piece, Fleet Foxes — today’s your lucky day. Frontman Robin Pecknold has shared a short update via the band’s Facebook page, explaining the reasons for their radio silence (spoiler: he went back to school), as well as assuring that new music is on its way. Read the full message below:

For anyone who’s curious, this is a short Fleet Foxes update – been a while! So, after the last round of touring, I decided to go back to school. I never got an undergraduate degree, and this felt like the right time to both see what that was about and to try something new after a while in the touring / recording lifestyle. I moved to New York and enrolled at Columbia, and I’ve mostly been doing that, but I’m working on songs and excited for whatever happens next musically, even if it’s down the line. Hope all is well out there.

