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noun: saudade; plural noun: saudades
  1. a feeling of longing, melancholy, or nostalgia that is supposedly characteristic of the Portuguese or Brazilian temperament.


    Like it’s title, it’s weaved with piercing nostalgic arpeggios with a bird like tenor voice floating just above. One of my favorite live performances I ever saw was of Alexander playing his song ‘Spark’, second off the album. I remember I was at Velour Live in Provo UT for Tuesday night open mic and Alexander was there promoting his upcoming show and album. He started with ‘Spark’ and the room was completely still. He certainly had their attention the moment he started to sing. If you ever get the chance to listen to him live it’s definitely more than worth it. It would be a shame not to add this discography to your record collection.

    You can visit to buy the album or download it. 

