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What is a joyous moment that you’ve experienced recently?

I was an artist in residence for a month in Boise, ID at Surel’s Place. It was a month spent doing nothing but working on a body of work. Easily the most productive time in my life I have had as an artist. I completed something like 27 pieces in 25 days. I don’t know if that was particularly ‘joyous’ or not, but it was meaningful and helped shape and change the direction of my work.


closed to the public s


Why did you start making art? Out of opportunity, necessity, dream job…?

I certainly didn’t go the route of artist out of necessity, it was more something that I have always done, and did not want to stop doing. I think that is the bigger reason for me. I feel like there is still, and will always be something for me to express, or a story to tell, or something else that needs to get out of my head. Practicing art is as much about the final product as it is about the personal journey and discovery that happens in the studio and during research. It really is a meditative act.




Did you have to give anything up to pursue art?


Besides this, what is another hidden talent, passion, or hobby of yours?

I originally came to Utah to ski. I am in love with the mountains and take every opportunity to be in them as I can. I can make and practice art anywhere, but there are not many places that offer the mountains that SLC does. The juxtaposition of the city/urban life with the Wasatch Range minutes away makes SLC extraordinarily unique and the perfect place for me.

Animal I Would Want to Be Most:

Something that flies. My work deals with our individual, societal and cultural ideas of space, and being an animal that is not constrained to these same ideas of space we are would be liberating.


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Animal I Would Want to Be Most:

Something that flies. My work deals with our individual, societal and cultural ideas of space, and being an animal that is not constrained to these same ideas of space we are would be liberating.

Morning Routine: 

Coffee, banana water.

Favorite Comedians:

I’m the funniest guy I know.


i cant stay here no more s


What is the most traumatic thing you’ve gone through?

Once, driving up Independence Pass early one summer, the car right in front of mine didn’t take the first hairpin turn and drove straight off the cliff. The car flew/fell about 200-300 feet down this steep embankment and came to rest precariously between a thin sapling and a rock, upside down and facing back uphill. Somehow the driver was still alive and I, along with a couple motorcyclists that also witnessed this attempted to rescue the driver while my friend, Brad, was attempting to call 911. We couldn’t get to the driver or remove the door without putting ourselves in serious danger. The fire department and police arrived as soon as they could but ultimately were unable to save the driver.

It wasn’t something that was traumatic to me on a personal level, but was a very visceral experience. I guess I would say it was more a traumatic event I was witness to, rather than a traumatic thing I’ve gone through.




If you could tell everyone in the world something, what would it be?

Support artists! Buy a print, a meal, a 6 pack, a drink at the bar for an artist friend. That support goes a long way in helping us keep our practices going.


magic garden

You can find more of Andrew’s work at

Instagram: @purplehat
