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When you look at Miranda’s work, you might think that she is somewhat of a tortured soul with the childhood depicted in Tim Burton’s short film Vincent. But reality is quite the opposite. Miranda is one of the kindest people that you might hope to meet, with great humility and of course, astonishing talent.


What draws you to your subjects?

I’m not quite sure actually…I was always inspired by Tim Burton growing up, and have always had a fondness for snakes and monsters. Not sure where that came from, but it’s stuck around to this day and plays a big role in my personal projects.

Dawn-website-768x1024How did you get involved with art making?

I’ve been drawing since I was little and haven’t stopped since.

Did you have to give anything up to pursue this?
I’m giving up any extra free time I have after becoming a stay­ at ­home mom to my two­ year ­old.


Besides this, what is another hidden talent, passion, or hobby of yours?

I actually really love interior design and typography as well. If I weren’t illustrating, I’d be doing one of those things.

Are you close with your family?
Yes, very close. Family time is important to us, so it provides a nice balance to working all the time.


Animal I would want to be most:

Although I love octopus, being some kind of a hawk would be the coolest thing ever.

Joyous moment?
My husband and I recently bought our very first home; every day I’m so grateful for it and for the safe place we can now raise our girl.

Morning routine:
Wake up with my daughter, eat breakfast, and play with her until her nap (I mostly do art when she’s sleeping).


Dream Tattoo:

It’d probably be some kind of a moth

Last great book I read:

The Mistborn Series by Brandon Sanderson

Favorite Drink:

Seriously can’t get enough of dark hot chocolate


My Dream Collaboration:

Doing any project with James Jean

Favorite Song of all Time:

Ughh there are so many…probably either What Sarah Said by Death Cab for Cutie or Welcome to the Black Parade by My Chemical Romance

If You could tell everyone in the world something, what would it be?
No matter how hard or difficult it feels, never give up on doing what you love and what you find happiness in. That being said, it’s important not to become too obsessed and to find balance in life, which will bring you the most fulfillment and happiness.



You can find more of Miranda’s Work:


