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The War on Drugs’ latest album, Lost in the Dream, is without a doubt one of the best, albeit one of the more subtle, releases of 2014. Instantly iconic from the first track, its beautiful, foggy tracks seem to float forever in your head, always reminding you how great it is, even if it never makes an effort to take center stage. As its title implies, Lost In The Dream is an airy, celestial journey; it’s ambient rock that might be the very definition of “chill”.

The single that opens the album, “Under the Pressure”, now has its own ethereal video. Artistic and dreamlike, it summons up memories of times long past, even though those memories aren’t your own. Faded colors and patterns fill the screen and band members quietly play their instruments in the corners of a cozy house (fun fact: it’s actually the same house that Adam Granduciel’s lived in during the writing and recording of the album.  It’s also featured in the cover art of the album). All the while your mind is flooded with a million images, both visual and aural.

Turn it up loud and let yourself sink into the gentle charm of what is surely among this year’s best tracks. You can also see the video for another single from the album, “Red Eyes”, here.
