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Weston Fuller is an award-winning photographer who instinctively captures the spirit of his subject then artfully weaves its story. This rare ability creates an immediate connection within the viewer and calls them to action.

Like all good art, Weston’s photographs elicit a response from the viewer, whether from a change of opinion or the purchasing of a product. He believes there is an inherent difference between simply TAKING a photograph and MAKING a photograph. He enjoy the journey that is evident within his art and also the unseen personal story behind the lens of creating the photo.  


Fueled by his greatest fans and critics (his wife, two sons and baby girl), who have inspired him to pursue his passion and create the stories, life and world as Weston sees it.



What is a joyous moment that you’ve experienced recently?

Joyous Family Moment – Being with my wife and kids in the amazing Utah outdoors skiing and camping in the past month, where we get to be reunited with each other and step away from the hectic running around of everyday life.

Joyous Art Moment – Finishing up my last project and having everything turn out exactly as I had envisioned it. The audience who looks at the pictures sees the surface content of the art, while I see the experience and ideas it took in creating the image. I worked with a great team of individuals who helped me create reality from an idea. Working with great people is a huge part of why I love to create, because of the human network that comes together to create art.

Why did you start? Out of opportunity, necessity, dream job…?

I always loved art and I was an okay doodler, but could never pursue drawing as a carrier, which is partially why I love photography. Using the camera as my tool, it helps me to create the images I otherwise couldn’t create. There is something magical about being able to preserve a part of reality in a frame of a photo and then being able to manipulate it or leave it as is. So when I was working with my father after college the OPPORTUNITY to take some marketing photos presented itself, which helped launch me back into my love of photography.

From the opportunity of working with my father and encouragement from my awesome wife, it helped me to start down the road of pursuing photography as my dream career and to start showing my work to others. Leading me to going back to school to receive my MFA in photography and in helping me find out who I am and what I want to be when I grow up.


Favorite Drink: Spezi (German mixed soda of Coke and Orange Fanta)

Did you have to give anything up to pursue this?


Yes…chasing what you love doesn’t come without sacrifice, but pursuing your passion makes it worthwhile.


Are you close with your family?

Yes. I’m lucky because I have a great support team (wife and kids) behind me who encourages me, inspires me and push me to be better today than I was yesterday. Before pursuing photography and being an artist, I worked with my father and brother in Real Estate.

Morning Routine: I’m not much of a morning person, so I’m usually dragging myself out of bed because I stayed up the night before working on a photo or procrastinating going to sleep. It’s easier for me to work later in the evening after my kids have gone to sleep.

Dream Tattoo: None, I prefer to be the creator and not the “canvas.” Plus I don’t have a clue how someone can decide on the right one. I prefer the temporary tattoos my kids get in their bubble gum.

My Dream Collaboration: Working with Erik Almås on a composite piece in Scandinavia.

What is the most traumatic thing you’ve gone through? Having my daughter stop breathing in my arms on the night she was born. She was later life flighted to Salt Lake and submitted to the NICU. My wife was a champ but I was a mess through it all.


If you could tell everyone in the world something, what would it be?
Find out who you really are and than be that person, which is actually not that easy…or at least is wasn’t for me. Allow others to help you figure yourself out and get to where you want to go. You not only will end up where you wanted to be, but you’ll have a pretty great journey and support group to help you enjoy the fruits of your labor when you get there.




